Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Indications for field terminations

This method has good and bad aspects. Manufacturing is complex, so these connectors are expensive, almost ten times more than the adhesive / polishing type, since they require careful manufacturing. A part of the extra cost can be compensated with the lower labor costs in your installation. To have less losses, you must make a good cut in the fiber in which the termination is being made, since the cutting of the fiber is an important factor in the losses of a mechanical splice. It is recommended to use a precision cutter such as those used with fiber optic fusers, Even if you do everything correctly, the loss will be slightly higher since you will have the loss of the connection plus the loss by splicing on each connector. The best way to complete the termination is to verify the loss of the splice with a visual fault locator and "twist" as is done with the mechanical splices.

Indications for field terminations

Here are some issues to remember when installing field connectors. If you follow these guidelines, you will save time, money and avoid frustration.

With whatever you do, always follow the manufacturer's instructions about terminations carefully.

Choose the connector carefully and if it is any other type than epoxy or polished, rinse it with the customer. Some customers have strong opinions about the types or brands of connectors used in their work.
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NEVER carry a new type of connector to install in the field until you have installed enough in the office or in the laboratory to be sure that you can install them successfully. This is not the place to conduct experiments or learn.   One of the most important cost factors in the installation of connectors is its performance: how many pass the tests. The most important factor in field termination is the installer's experience.

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