Thursday, March 26, 2020

Single-mode fiber benefits from its superior

Single-mode fiber benefits from its superior performance in terms of bandwidth and attenuation.

Due to the small size of its core, single mode fiber generally requires more expensive transmitters and alignment systems to achieve efficient coupling. However, for high performance systems or those measuring more than a few kilometers, single mode fiber remains the best solution.

What to test?
To assess the quality of a fiber optic installation, approve its commissioning and guarantee reliable long-term operation of a fiber optic link, it is essential to test it in different ways.

Several factors must be measured, evaluated and controlled:

Inspection of optical connectors
When two optical fibers are coupled, it is crucial to ensure that light passes from one optical fiber to another without loss or excessive backscatter. In the field, however, it is difficult to keep connectors clean and without any scratches.
cable installer certification
A single particle on the center of the optical fiber can cause significant insertion loss, backscattering and even damage to the equipment. The proactive inspection optical connectors is essential to ensure the reliability of connections between two fibers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Fiber optic recommended with acknowledgment of receipt

1 - Ask the syndic by post (recommended with acknowledgment of receipt) to have the question of fiberizing the building put on the agenda of the next general meeting.  Please note, it is recommended to do this 8 to 10 weeks before the next general meeting.

2 - Inform the operators of your intention to choose a building operator who will be responsible for fiberizing.  To do this, send a letter of intent and the technical file of your condominium.

3 - A presentation of the various proposals will be made at the general meeting and the choice of the building operator will be voted.

4 - Once the work has been carried out in the common areas up to the landing level, simply ask the building operator for the connection to your home.

5 - Finally, if you want to switch to a fiber offer, compare the offers of internet service providers and deal directly with the one you have selected.  If you do not want to change the offer, there is no obligation.
Fiber optic deployment, how does fiber work?
fibre optic installation jobs
The deployment of fiber optics today
To connect a housing to the optical fiber, it is necessary to pass by two deployments. The first consists in bringing the optical fiber to a building or an optical connection node, in the case of a house. The second is to deploy the fiber to the housing. These two steps allow you to understand how fiber optics works and how to benefit from it at home.

Monday, March 23, 2020

This training also prepares you for the 2 certification exam

This training also prepares you for the 2 certification exams RFMO Optical Fiber Connection Technician and RFME Optical Fiber Measurement Technician.

This Fiber Optic Technician training is therefore essentially practical and it will allow you to:

Understand the technical concepts of a fiber-optic network
Know the terminology and basic principles of measurement techniques performed on optical networks (dB, dBm, dB / Km, micro-curvatures, etc.)
Acquire the knowledge to be able to connect, control, analyze and interpret the results of measurements on fiber-optic networks
Have a working methodology for installers on preparation, connection, and control
Understand the technical differences between an industrial fiber-optic network (horizontal) and an FTTH network (vertical)
Process the measurements by software with Fibercable by generating professional reports
This training can be financed within the framework of the CPF on MonCompteFormation
fiber optic tech salary
Fiber optics: the basics for installers
General and basic notions on optical fiber
Light explained simply (wavelength, etc.)
The associated transmission principle
Single-mode and multimode
fibers Families of optical fibers
- Multimodes 50/125, 62.5 / 125 (OM1 , OM2, OM3, OM4)
- Monomodes G652, G655, G657
Fiber optic connectors
The different applications (LAN, MAN, WAN, FTTH networks)
Why are we talking about vertical network and horizontal network?
Specifics of FTTH (Fiber To The Home)

Friday, March 20, 2020

Specific technical training in fiber optics

The company specialized in fiber optic telecommunications with more than 20 years of experience in the sector, fibercom , will hold a training session specialized in fiber optic installation on May 28, 29 and 30 in Zaragoza.

This unique training day in Spain, with a limit of twelve students per session, guarantees personalized treatment and the optimal completion of the internships, which will allow attendees to become specialists for the installation of fiber optics.

Combining in depth, theory (one third of the time) and practice (two thirds of the time), they are carried out in full-day sessions, from 9.30 to 19 hours. In the sessions, all the materials and equipment necessary for an optimal installation are used, such as splicers, cutters, FO tools , power meters and OTDR .

It is aimed at installers with or without experience who wish to acquire or refresh professional knowledge that will allow them to tackle the realization of any type of optical network, and their clear objective is to provide training that allows materially realizing any type of fiber optic infrastructure.

Read more @ fiber certification

Thursday, March 19, 2020

To verify the continuity of the optical fibers,

Continuity check

To verify the continuity of the optical fibers, a visual continuity plotter, a visual fault locator or an optical loss test device (OLTS) must be used. Trace the fiber from point to point through any interconnection to ensure that the fiber path is properly installed and that the polarization and routing are correct and documented. 

Insertion losses

Insertion losses refer to the optical losses of the installed fibers when tested with an optical loss test equipment (OLTS). It is better to test multimode cables using Method B of TIA / EIA 526-14 (always document the method used) and single-mode cables using TIA / EIA 526-7.   

Test multimode fibers at 850 and 1300 nm and single-mode fibers at 1310 and 1550 nm, unless the standards or the customer require other values. 

Test the reference cables before the test to verify the quality and clean them frequently. 
cfot salary
Those cables that will be used with high-speed systems and laser sources must be tested with suitable laser sources to ensure their operation with this type of source. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

If a large coil (equivalent to 40 cm) is used as a mandrel

If a large coil (equivalent to 40 cm) is used as a mandrel to pull the cable, the jacket of the cables of tight structure can be pulled in the wiring facilities in the internal plant. Wrap the cord around the coil 5 times and hold it gently when pulling.

It must not exceed the maximum value of the tensile tension. Manufacturers and suppliers of conduits, corrugated pipes and cable lubricants should be consulted for guidelines on stress values ??and lubricant use.

When pulling long cables in corrugated conduits or subducts (up to 3 miles or 5 kilometers on the outer floor or hundreds of meters on internal plant wiring), the appropriate cable lubricant should be used, but make sure it is compatible with the jacket of the cable. If possible, use a cable handle with tension control and / or an individual hitch swivel. In long-term cable runs on an external floor (more than 2.5 miles or 4 kilometers), the cable must be pulled to both ends or an automatic cable puller must be used at one or more intermediate points for a continuous run.   

When resting the fiber loops on a surface while making a roll, it must be supported in the form of an "8 figure" to avoid twisting the cable.

Read more @ cable installer certification

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Are there independent instructors

Are there independent instructors in your area such as the FOA approved institutes? Does it cover what you need to know? Does the instructor have the latest version of the equipment necessary for training?   Will you receive training on your equipment?   Does the instructor have experience and know the products and technology?   Can the instructor offer the manufacturer's certification, as well as other certifications?

Where is the training offered? Transportation costs can significantly increase training costs. 

Remember that FOA-approved institutions often offer other types of classes and not only those of Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT). For more information, consult your FOA-approved institution or the online list of FOA-approved institutions.


Safety in the external plant is a very important issue, beyond the usual fiber problems such as protecting the eyes from fiber fragments or working with potentially dangerous chemicals. The route must be cleared by calling the relevant services first to ensure that no cables or pipes are buried in the planned route. Installers who work with machinery that installs cables need to be trained to operate them safely. Aerial installations are particularly dangerous since the poles generally have electrical cables nearby.    Each work in an external plant must have the safety procedures published and all personnel must be informed on how to proceed.

Safety in the laboratory or in the work area should be everyone's priority. In addition to the common safety issues for construction, which are regulated in the Employee Rights in the Workplace (OSHA), which all contractors and installers should know, work with fiber optics includes eye safety, chemicals, sparks caused by fusion splices, the removal of fiber fragments and other issues.  Before beginning an installation, safety standards should be attached to the classroom wall, the laboratory wall, and the work area, and should be reviewed together with personnel in the work area. In addition to construction safety clothing, all personnel must wear eye protection when working with fibers.

Read more: fiber optic installation jobs

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Provision of equipment for installation personnel

The cables terminate within facilities where they connect with telecommunications equipment.   In general, external plant cables do not meet the flammability requirements established by the NEC, so the cable entering a building must end in indoor cables, or be spliced ?? to indoor cables as soon as it enters, usually, within 16 meters to comply with fire codes.  Some external plant cables have double sheathing, one exterior for exterior and one interior for internal use so that the exterior can be removed for use within the building and the cable reaches the equipment room. Those cables that terminate on pedestals or vaults do not have this requirement.

In general, external plant single-mode cables end in connectorized fiber cables (pigtails) and the splices are installed in a junction box. Multimode fibers can be handled in the same way or terminated directly in the fibers. Almost all external plant cables require the installation of a kit to protect the fiber termination (breakout kit) that wears each fiber optic with a tube strong enough for direct termination.

 Provision of tools for the installer

When the installation time is approaching, it is time to decide how to equip the staff that will perform the work. Choosing equipment for installation and testing is important, as it will affect the time it will take for installation and its quality, and even determine the profitability of the work. The frequency with which problems caused by tools appear is shocking: due to its poor design, incorrect use, poor condition or lack of familiarity with its use. 

Also read: fiber optics technician jobs

Installation tools include some large ones such as crane trucks, trenchers, cable handles or trailers. In the planning stage it will be determined if these tools are needed. Many contractors do not have expensive equipment like these, so it is more profitable to rent them as needed. If your staff is not familiar with particular equipment, it will be more profitable to delegate work to someone who has the equipment and qualified personnel,
 since errors in the operation of the equipment would be
disastrous (both costly and dangerous). 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

components that are delivered in the work area

Those components that are delivered in the work area may require security. Theft can be a problem, particularly for cables, as many thieves think that all cables contain copper, and the price of copper makes it worth stealing them. Vandalism is another problem since it requires that the components be kept locked or, if they cannot be stored because they are very large, such as cable reels or corrugated subduct for fiber optics, security will be needed at night. 

Then, one must schedule the work. Again, the calculations will tell us how many installers are needed, how much experience they should have and how long it is estimated that they will finish the installation.   If some training is required, more time should be added to the program.

Once the work and materials are on the schedule, the planning is almost complete.   Review the schedule with all the people involved to start working and start the processes, starting with the acquisition of the materials. Then a review of the safety standards for supervisors, installers and for all those who may be in the work area must be added to the planning. Notes should also be added for saving all scrap of cables, connectors, etc. and inform the user, in case they are needed in a future restoration. 

If the work start date is not tomorrow (because the client wanted it for yesterday ...) and you have other projects in the interim, check this schedule daily to see if everything is on time, to avoid surprises at the last moment.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Mandatory vs. optional tests

Testing the entire cable network implies that insertion loss tests are carried out with a light source and a power meter, or with an optical loss test equipment (OLTS) in accordance with the OFSTP-14 test procedure of the TIA standard for multimode or OFSTP-7 for single mode. The test plan must specify the method to set the reference level of “0 dB” chosen (one, two or three reference wires), as this will affect the value of the loss. The TIA 568 standard recommends the reference of a cable, but this may not be an option for all combinations of testing equipment and cable network connectors.

OTDR tests are not mandatory, nor are they sufficient in themselves to obtain the certification of the cable network. However, long runs of external plant cable that include splices can be tested with an OTDR to verify the operation of the splices and detect possible problems caused by tension in the cable during installation. While there are those who defend the OTDR to test all types of cable network installations, including short wiring in the internal plant, it is not mandatory according to industry standards nor is it recommended for wiring in the internal plant.

Coordination of tests and documentation

The test plan must be coordinated with the documentation of the cable network. This should indicate the links to be tested and the expected results according to the estimated optical loss calculations. Likewise, the test plan must specify the way in which the test data will be included in the documentation in order for the installation to be accepted and in case it should be consulted because of possible future problems that require an emergency restoration.
Read more @ cfot salary